Monday, February 20, 2017

February 6-12 (week 7), February 13-20 (week 8)

Hey everyone, sorry for the late update on Amelia.  Between working, pumping non stop, caring for Amelia, and keeping up with the rest of life’s hectic demands (my other children aka Opie, Summer, and Jesse), time has really gotten away from me!

For the most part, Amelia has been pretty status qou as of late, which has been a welcome break from the typical roller coaster we’ve been riding. The vent tube has caused an infection in her lungs and presented a rather large hurdle in terms of getting extubated from the vent. Since my last post, she has been running on a cycle of antibiotics to get the infection cleared up and allow her lungs much needed development. While we’ve been waiting for the antibiotics to do their job we’ve just been patiently watching her grow.  In just 10 days, she’s already gained another ½ lb! She up to 2lb 8.2 oz as of today.   She’s actually starting to look bigger than the care bear we’ve been using to gauge her size! 

Today, Amelia received her first round of immunizations.  One in ten babies can have a reaction to these immunizations in the first 24 hours so we’ll just keep a close eye on her to make sure she’s alright. Tomorrow will be her final dose of antibiotics. The last four days or so her x-rays have started looking much better and we’ve been able to steadily ween her vent as the infection has decreased.  We are actually weened down enough that we’re beginning to plan for extubation again. THIS TIME FOR GOOD!!!! If all goes well doctors are planning to pull the tube on Wednesday or Thursday so for goodness sakes, PLEASE, PLEASE, PRAY!!! As the action is starting to pick back up around room 312, we’ll try to update more frequent. Fingers crossed!

 Week One With the Care Bear

Week Eight With the Care Bear. 

Right after bath time dad gave her a mohawk.

YAY! We hit 2lbs!

Amelia along with Mom and Dad love snuggle time. 

Amelia loves to invite all the nurses into her room to party. She love to hear the gossip.

Even though Amelia had her breathing tube in she thinks she can move all over the place and try to roll over by herself. 


  1. She has grown a lot! We will certainly say extra prayers this week. Keeping our fingers crossed the tube will be gone for good! You two are great parents! xox0 Jan

  2. Always praying for all of you. Thanks for the update. So happy to hear we are gaining weight and getting stronger.

  3. Looking good;keeping all of you in my prayers. My 13 year old "baby" has been asking about her and was thrilled to see she was doing well.

    Ruth Wilz Curcuru

  4. Grateful to read these updates. That little fighter is jumping hurdles left and right. Hang in there, Mom and Dad.
