Sunday, January 22, 2017

Update: January 21-22 2017 (week 4)

January 21st 2017

Today Amelia is one month old. YAY. At this time she is 1lb and 8.3oz, she has gain (0.4oz) per day over the past 7 days. This week Amelia has been doing good, the doctors have increased her feed by 3.2mL/hr this week and have added more calories to her breast milk to help with the weight gain. Amelia has been up to her same tricks the past couple of weeks, where she likes to desat on her oxygen just to get the nurse's attention because she doesn't like to be by herself.  Most all the time Amelia will recover and bring her oxygen levels back up on her own.
 The doctors have started a second round of steroids to help strengthen her lungs in hopes of extubation.

January 22nd 2017
 After starting the steroids a couple of day ago Amelia's blood gas are looking a lot better and the nurses were able to ween her oxygen settings on the vent machine. With all of this the doctors are hoping to extubate her today or tomorrow (Monday January 23rd). This will be her second time for extubation. The first time she did really great, she lasted 18 hours before they had to reintubate her. So, this time around, the nurses and doctors are hoping that she will stay extubated, just looking at her numbers and how she has been doing over all. Amelia is a lot stronger and bigger from the last time they ectubated her to now.
So if your reading this please keep Amelia and us in your prayers that she will be stronger to stay extubated. We know that God has answer our prays so far and will continue to answer our prayers.

The Pictures blow are from two weeks ago when they extubated her last time. 


  1. Love, love, love! Go Amelia Go! Sending you good vibes and prayers...whoosh!

  2. Prayers for strength, health and love. Prayers for knowledgable medical team and compassionate caregivers. Most of all prayers for blessings of love surrounding this beautiful family. Love you all.
