Well Amelia has been extubated for a two weeks and 4 days. YAY!! She is doing great breathing without the breathing tube. They have Amelia on whats called a CPAP which has a small face mask and small noise prongs that the nurses switch between to give her little noise a break.
Amelia is getting so big she is now 3LBS 10oz !! She is getting chubby cheeks.
The doctors have discontinued Amelia's steroids and we've been able to ween more of her vent settings. Amelia has as moved up to a big girl tube for bath time. The OT has been working with Amelia to get her ready to bottle/ breastfeed.
Last week Grammy got to hold Amelia while she was out visiting. Amelia also got to meet her great aunt Peggy! Amelia loved seeing and spending time with them.
Also this week we got set up with an "Angle Eye" camera that Larry The Cable Guy's "Git-R-Done" foundation donated.In all they are donating 26 cameras for parents to use to check in on their little ones while they are at work or home when the little ones are in the NICU. We were lucky enough to be the first family to get to use the new cameras. They are truly fantastic. Since installing the camera last Tuesday our whole family has been able to check in on miss Amelia any time of the day from all over the country! From Grammie and Poppop in Delaware, to Great Aunt Sheila and Great Grandma Bernie in New Mexico, and everyone in between. The cameras provide live high def access to our baby girl 24 hours a day from anywhere we need to be. It's great! Also this week, because we were chosen to try out the new cameras first, we had the honor of making a video with Bryan LGH's videographers to show off the new system for the hospital. And The "Git-R-Done" foundation plans on using our video when Larry The Cable Guys goes out on tour later this year!